Get Up, Stand Up for Yourself

Maya Angelou is not a stranger to most. A prolific poet and writer, Dr. Angelou is known for her life’s journey from a disturbed childhood to a dancer, civil rights activist, and the first African American woman to recite her poem “On the Pulse of Morning,” at Bill Clinton’s first…

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Handling Insults

Learning to be calm when you are disrespected is a superpower! The above quote making rounds lately on the internet struck me close. Like most of us, I too have had insults and demoralizing attitudes thrown my way.  Looking back, I recognize how at times, I reacted to insults with…

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Struggle: A True Teacher

Not all struggles are bad, most of them unveil the true you! Isn’t that the truth of life! Not in an obscure sort of way, but in very tangible ways do struggles help us find ourselves. Until thrown into an adverse situation, we might not know our strength, integrity, resilience,…

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I realized a bit late in life the value of boundaries in both personal and professional spaces. Boundaries are there to not only create a space specifically for yourself, but also help you focus on self-care, self-respect, self-control, assertiveness, responsibilities, and empowerment. I have recognized that personal boundaries are rules…

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The Joy of Having a Pet

I have two cats- Tira and Kaju, both named after my daughter’s favorite desserts, Tiramisu and Kaju Katli. I adore them and my kids are crazy about them. The father of the kids – a reluctant spectator at first, eventually has taken fancy towards them. The home seems complete with…

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Importance of Sleep

Importance of Sleep

For many years, one thing that I did not pay close attention to was my struggles with sleep. I rarely slept for more than three hours in a night. If I slept three hours, I felt thankful. But this lack of sleep started exhibiting different symptoms. I could not make…

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Empowering your Mind

Realize, Recognize, Respond The three footholds Realize, Recognize, Respond form the basis of Aware-ly approach to creating a personalized path to conscious living. The idea to create a map for yourself is simple, but it does require a commitment and dedication to make it a practice. Living a consciousness-aware life…

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Gratitude journals give you chance to focus on the goodness of your life, it gives you a chance to look at things from a different point of view and provide you a chance to introspect.

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