Stop Reacting, Start Responding

I visit a café nearly every day to have coffee after my workout. After a few visits, the girl on the counter started recognizing me as a regular customer. Every time I am at the café, she smiles and places my order without even asking me, as she knows my…

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Harnessing the Power of Anger

Anger is often perceived as a negative emotion, and in that it becomes the most misunderstood one, as we tend to look at anger as awful, aggressive, and explosive. We often associate it with being out of control and seething with violence. It is such an uncomfortable sentiment and highly…

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Empowering your Mind

Realize, Recognize, Respond The three footholds Realize, Recognize, Respond form the basis of Aware-ly approach to creating a personalized path to conscious living. The idea to create a map for yourself is simple, but it does require a commitment and dedication to make it a practice. Living a consciousness-aware life…

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Metacognition and Awareness

Metacognition is usually an aware and measured mental activity, but it can also be an automated function that is carried out without much conscious deliberation.

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