Get Up, Stand Up for Yourself

Maya Angelou is not a stranger to most. A prolific poet and writer, Dr. Angelou is known for her life’s journey from a disturbed childhood to a dancer, civil rights activist, and the first African American woman to recite her poem “On the Pulse of Morning,” at Bill Clinton’s first…

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Handling Insults

Learning to be calm when you are disrespected is a superpower! The above quote making rounds lately on the internet struck me close. Like most of us, I too have had insults and demoralizing attitudes thrown my way.  Looking back, I recognize how at times, I reacted to insults with…

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Stop Reacting, Start Responding

I visit a café nearly every day to have coffee after my workout. After a few visits, the girl on the counter started recognizing me as a regular customer. Every time I am at the café, she smiles and places my order without even asking me, as she knows my…

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Walking for Body and Mind

Walking is probably the least ostentatious way to exercise, but the effectiveness cannot be argued against. Walking works our body as a whole. Any physical activity is of great advantage to us, but walking, in particular, can offer multiple health benefits to all age groups and to people having different…

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Gratitude journals give you chance to focus on the goodness of your life, it gives you a chance to look at things from a different point of view and provide you a chance to introspect.

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Disarming Negativity

By recognizing our emotions, we can give ourselves a moment to respect. By accepting our triggers, we can give ourselves a deeper understanding.

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