The Zones

The Six Zones of Consciousness

Aware-ly has taken Dr. David Hawkins’ Maps of Consciousness and divided them into six zones. The 17 levels of consciousnesses are studied separately in detail. We all operate from a certain level of consciousness, but we fluctuate from one level to the other depending on the triggers that we encounter. For a normal person, the state of absolute consciousness is a work in progress. But the goal of human existence is to strive to reach that absolute level.

The Violet Zone

Enlightenment (>700)

What is Enlightenment?

A full understanding of existence, enlightenment is a state of pure light that brings clarity to all situations and the meaning of existence. It is the highest level of awareness, which frees the mind from a negative cycle!
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Peace (600)

What is Peace?

Peace is freedom from chaos. The harmony of thoughts and actions, which creates an invigorating calmness of mind.
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The Blue Zone

Joy (540)

What is Joy?

Love is a short word signifying a strong emotion of pure delight or gladness, which arises from a great sense of well-being and satisfaction.
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Love (500)

What is Love?

Love is An important human emotion, which entails one or all forms of care, closeness, protectiveness, attraction, affection, and trust.
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Reason (400)

What is Reason?

Reason is the capacity of making sense of things or an attitude of bringing logical inferences to a situation or person.
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The Green Zone

Acceptance (350)

What is Acceptance?

Acceptance is giving permission to receive what is presented not to be confused with surrender, it is a state of being without protest.
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Willingness (310)

What is Willingness?

Willingness is the readiness of empowering oneself to take a stance and act on it.
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Neutrality (250)

What is Neutrality?

Neutrality is best defined as a state of being nonjudgmental, objective, and impartial. It is a state of being in control.
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The Yellow Zone

Courage (200)

What is Courage?

Courage is the capacity of a person to cope with difficult situations with integrity and resilience.
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Pride (175)

What is Pride?

Pride is a feeling that arises from positive self-appraisal. Pride is a resultant effect of feeling superior.
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Anger (150)

What is Anger?

Anger is the most common response to pain. It is a strong emotion of resentment towards a person or a situation when one is wronged.
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The Orange Zone

Desire (125)

What is Desire?

Desire is an exacting emotion of longing and yearning for an object, person, or an outcome. Desire often gives rise to more cravings.
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Fear (100)

What is Fear?

Fear is one of the primitive human emotions that signals a threat of physical or emotional harm.
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Grief (75)

What is Grief?

Grief is an acute emotional reaction aroused from the loss of a loved one. Grief causes suffering and can take a long time to heal.
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The Red Zone

Apathy (50)

What is Apathy?

Apathy is the attitude of indifference, unconcern, and dispassion.
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Guilt (30)

What is Guilt?

Guilt creates a burdensome feeling but can provide an avenue for redemption.
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Shame (20)

What is Shame?

Shame interrupts positive feelings, worthlessness, disgrace, regret, or disconnection.
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