Levels of Consciousness
The principles applied in the study of consciousness are multilayered as well as multidisciplinary. Psychologists interpret consciousness in line with the theories conceived by Freud and expanded by Jung. Neuroscientists have done quantifiable studies to relate brain activities to conscious experiences. In transcendental psychology, consciousness has an esoteric meaning.
Our research and findings suggest that many cultures assimilated the theories of consciousness in their religious and spiritual beliefs. The spiritual leaders propagated these consciousness theories as awareness into their cultures to promote metacognition. From Mayans, Inca, to eastern cultures of Hinduism, and Buddhism has similarities in their approach towards consciousness.
The major influences at Aware-ly are two modern theorists and advocates of conscious living – Dr. David Hawkins and Mr. Michael Singer.
Our Approach
Michael Singer, in his New York Times bestseller- The Untethered Soul talks about the relationship between our thoughts and emotions. The book uncovers methods to explore the sources of fluxes of inner energy. It educates the methods of freeing oneself of habitual thoughts and emotions and living a life of mindfulness.
David Hawkins, in his most famous Map of Consciousness, created a spectrum of human consciousness in 17 levels giving each level a frequency. Professing that human life should be about the pursuit of attaining higher consciousness, Hawkins helps you discover the interplay of power vs. force that affects us in various endeavors.
The Footholds
At Aware-ly levels of consciousness have been studied at the esotericism lens, but takes a quantifiable approach for the purpose of progression toward self-actualization. Aware-ly is not a promise of reaching self-actualization but a practical guide to taking a self-approach to live a happier life. At Aware-ly each of us takes charge through a three-step process of Realize, Recognize, Respond. These three footholds are the basis of creating your path of conscious living.
To quantify the approach of Realize, Recognize, Respond, we will be using the frequency map of Dr. David Hawkins to mark our levels, and learning methods of transcending levels that do not serve us to a higher level through mindful living, meditation, and actions.