The Report Card on Apathy

Vibrational Frequency: 50
Emotional State: Despair
Life View: Hopeless

“Apathy is lack of interest, enthusiasm or concern.”

Before going any further, know that intermittent feelings of apathy are normal unless they are chronic and cannot be dealt with on your own. It is always okay to get help from an expert in any circumstance.

Apathy is third from the bottom on the frequency scale, measuring rather low evoking an emotional state of despair and hopelessness. For most people, the feeling of apathy comes and goes. This emotional state is defined by a lack of feelings or passion. It is different than the feeling of indifference that comes from a lack of familiarity. Apathy from objects, people, and situations that are familiar to us is a cause of concern. Apathy is also a form of passive cruelty. If one finds an injured dog on the street in need of help and they walk away that kind of apathy is indicative of not only cruelty and lack of compassion but also shows that the person may not have a general enthusiasm towards their own life. But chronic apathy needs to be addressed in earnest as it can be a sign of depression, OCD, anxiety, or even dementia. Chronic apathy is outside of the scope of the Aware-ly model as it needs medical assistance.

We will discuss the level of apathy that we all encounter from time to time and how to get out of that state quickly. The apathy phase is a dangerous one because one can fall into a pattern where caring to be aware of the state may also be difficult. Many times the realization takes place when somebody else points it out to you.

Some Effects of Apathy

  1. Impaired productivity
  2. Low perseverance
  3. Lack of motivation
  4. Lack of self-care
  5. Unresponsive to positive and negative situations
  6. Flat persona


To determine if you are going through an apathy phase try to understand the source of your state.

  1. Did you go through a major tragedy recently, like losing a loved one or something valuable, loss of job, or divorce?
  2. Despite your best efforts you are unable to get a salary raise or a promotion?
  3. What happened that made you feel that no matter what, nobody cares so you will stop caring as well?
  4. Listen to what others are saying to you – are people trying to stay away from you because they feel a negative vibe?
  5. Is your life or work boring?
  6. Do you feel overwhelmed or worn out?


Once you have determined that you are going through the apathy phase off and on, acceptance is the next step.

  1. Open up and feel free to vent about your loss. Identify that your recent loss was not somebody’s fault, but end of a phase.
  2. Struggling with lack of recognition at work or in personal life could be devastating, but try to understand why could that be – is it because your expectations were too high or did you over or underestimate the situation.
  3. Self-assessment of your attitude could bring to you a plane of understanding and knowing the cause of your state.
  4. More often than not, you will be able to accept as you will recognize the reason(s) and the cause of your unhappiness that has taken you to this level.


With the difficult part of achieving awareness and acceptance, you now have reached the part of altering the circumstances to fix this problem.

  1. If you are unhappy with your job, try to improve your skills and find a new role.
  2. In your personal life, try to do fun things with your family.
  3. If you feel you need to see a counselor do not delay.
  4. Challenge your feelings of passivity with action and motivating yourself to do something that will make you get up and move around.
  5. Take a dancing lesson.
  6. Go for a hike.
  7. Definitely, seek help if you are unable to find a method to get yourself out of this state. 


“Apathy – Why It Matters If You Stop Caring About Anything – Harley TherapyTM Blog.” Harley TherapyTM Blog,, 13 Oct. 2020,

Bennett, Taylor. “Understanding and Solving Feelings of Apathy – Thriveworks.” Thriveworks,, Accessed 2 Nov. 2021.

“GoodTherapy | Apathy.” GoodTherapy.Org Therapy Blog, Accessed 2 Nov. 2021.

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